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Thread: An new Metalhead was born today

Replies: 16
Views: 14,686
27.11.2010 22:47 Forum: Off Topic

Congratulaions to Kathrin, dad and uncle Norbinho! großes Grinsen
Thread: Kirk & James Interview from 1986

Replies: 3
Views: 4,406
23.12.2009 23:08 Forum: Metallica Anything

That's a Christmas gift, Joerg!
Thread: Orgullo, Pasion y Gloria: Tres Noches En La Ciudad de Mexico [ 11/24/2009 ]

Replies: 35
Views: 14,802
24.11.2009 22:58 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by metalandi
I agree, that "pride, passion and glory" actually fits more to a power metal band Augen rollen

Don't want to know what the title might be if they ever record a show in China...
Anyway, I go with the deluxe version too. iHola amigos!
Thread: Nimes and Mexico in SW 16.3

Replies: 9
Views: 6,207
23.11.2009 13:01 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by metalandi
Isn't that the normal box version you're talking of? I can't recall seeing any other version than the normal dvd, blu ray and bx set verwirrt

Yes it is. fröhlich
Thread: Nimes and Mexico in SW 16.3

Replies: 9
Views: 6,207
22.11.2009 23:38 Forum: Metallica News

For Nimes we basically know everything of it. I was actually referring to the Deluxe version, which is much bigger in terms of size than I'd ever expected.

For Mexico, basically SW! confirms that officially it exists (correct me if I'm wrong but it was just a rumor until now). But mainly it puts the base for these "regional" dvd's concept: one state one local production.

Lars says it would be great to do the same in China and Canada. And we know that Canada has been shot already...

Regarding the words of Peter Mensch, I think he's most scared about the fact that those country can clone MetallicA's records so he can't get a profit. As he ends "even the bands that go over there, I don't think they make that much money". What's the third track of AC/DC's The Razors Edge?... großes Grinsen

BTW... Nice to see you all again guys cool
Thread: Nimes and Mexico in SW 16.3

Replies: 9
Views: 6,207
Nimes and Mexico in SW 16.3 21.11.2009 13:48 Forum: Metallica News

Hey guys, does anybody have already seen the latest So What!? There are some "juicy" news about Nimes AND the Mexico dvd!
Thread: Videographers Wanted! [ 5/29/2009 ]

Replies: 22
Views: 11,679
30.05.2009 16:58 Forum: Metallica News

This means we all can be there filming! fröhlich
But my version will be better großes Grinsen Freude großes Grinsen Freude ....
Thread: Videographers Wanted! [ 5/29/2009 ]

Replies: 22
Views: 11,679
30.05.2009 16:51 Forum: Metallica News

Seriously speaking, I don't understand how many cameras will be allowed for each show. Hope not one only...
Thread: Videographers Wanted! [ 5/29/2009 ]

Replies: 22
Views: 11,679
30.05.2009 16:18 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by Het2006
would be very cool to film without watching if there are securitys looking for tapers großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Actually it will be very cool to film knowing that the security will look AFTER tapers

And btw, sorry for you guys, but I've already entered the contest großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen
Thread: TO LIVE IS TO DIE - The Life and Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton

Replies: 10
Views: 19,402
29.05.2009 14:50 Forum: Metallica News

If you're around Milan on Sept.26, you can join us for a big party for the Italian release of Joel McIver's book. Featuring:

- Joel McIver himself will be there to sign books
- the books will be sold at special price
- Orion will play a killer setlist Cliff Burton oriented
- it's Cliff's death anniversary
- there will be gadgets and special items from Universal Music
- it's free entry
großes Grinsen
Thread: The Official Football Thread

Replies: 117
Views: 56,039
29.05.2009 14:21 Forum: Off Topic

Congrats Monste. There weren't chances at all for ManUtd.
Thread: The Official Happy Birthday Thread

Replies: 691
Views: 340,120
29.05.2009 14:11 Forum: Fun Forum

Originally posted by Metallifreak

Happy fuckin' B-Day to our good friend Rick from the mighty Italian Metallibashers. Hope you have an good one brother.


You mispelled... it's For those about to Rick großes Grinsen
Thread: 2009.05.14 - Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria

Replies: 174
Views: 75,102
13.05.2009 15:26 Forum: Met On Tour


Have a rocking night you all tomorrow!!
Viel Spass
Thread: Special Thread: 2009 RRHoF Induction Ceremony

Replies: 32
Views: 14,409
06.04.2009 23:43 Forum: Met On Tour

Speaking about tour dates, everybody's welcome in Italy in June btw großes Grinsen großes Grinsen
Thread: Jason Newsted up on stage with Metallica again?

Replies: 66
Views: 22,846
03.04.2009 18:34 Forum: Metallica News

Rob IS actually scheduled to play tomorrow
Thread: Jason Newsted up on stage with Metallica again?

Replies: 66
Views: 22,846
04.03.2009 22:38 Forum: Metallica News

Mmmmm... he has to promote his European tour, that's why he's so polite.
Thread: TO LIVE IS TO DIE - The Life and Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton

Replies: 10
Views: 19,402
24.02.2009 12:30 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by metalandi
I don't wanna sound like an ass, but actually there really is no guns n roses anymore since a long time already Zunge raus

Andi, whenever you bash Guns'n'Roses (or better Axl!!), you'll never be an ass to my eyes großes Grinsen

Originally posted by Marmetal
Oh Diego. I love Guns N' Roses, I guess you hate me now.

Of course not, Martin... you're always in time to redeem yourself großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen
Thread: TO LIVE IS TO DIE - The Life and Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton

Replies: 10
Views: 19,402
23.02.2009 00:02 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by metalandi
In 1992 they were changing the headlining spot every gig, one day was metallica and one day GNR Augenzwinkern

If I'm not too old to remember, MetallicA decided to go always on stage before those girl-looking guys, because with Axl you couln't know when you could have walked on stage.

Anyway, those suckers are nothing but a bunch of jerk assholes. Rolling Stones deserved MetallicA as opener, Guns'n'Roses deserve a cluster bomb! As you may understand I've always loved Guns'n'Roses... böse
Thread: TO LIVE IS TO DIE - The Life and Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton

Replies: 10
Views: 19,402
RE: TO LIVE IS TO DIE - The Life and Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton 22.02.2009 14:31 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by Livestrong
Furthermore Lars is quite keen to go on tour with Gun's Roses again. I found an interesting article here (sorry it's in German as well).

NO NO NO NO NO!!.... and fuck again NO!!!

Originally posted by Livestrong
This time I'm not in complete agreement with Lars, who's apparently a big fan of Chinese Democracy. I think this album sucks. But what do you think about the boys touring with Guns' Roses? Quite a nice idea, huh?

Refer to my above feelings...
Thread: METALLICA: 'The Complete Metallica' Digital 'Box Set' Due In March

Replies: 14
Views: 7,051
21.02.2009 08:41 Forum: Metallica News

Originally posted by jamiz
Lars "Napster" Ulrich großes Grinsen

Oh yeah, you mean that tiny little man whose alimonies I've paid for through 20+ years being a MetallicA disciple?... Augenzwinkern
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