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--- Orgullo, Pasion y Gloria: Tres Noches En La Ciudad de Mexico [ 11/24/2009 ] (

Posted by Metallifreak on 13.01.2010 at13:39:


The guyz at www.cdwow are totally crazy. This morning I got this email:

Vielen Dank, dass Sie bei uns bei CD WOW! bestellt haben.

Wir melden uns bei Ihnen wegen Ihrer Bestellung #453590331 für METALLICA - ORGULLO, PASION, Y GLORIA (2DVD+2CD) (Product code: 11337433)

Leider wurde die Lieferung an uns durch unseren Lieferanten etwas verzögert und wir warten zurzeit auf die Bestätigung, wann die Ware zur Auslieferung eintrifft.

Sobald die Ware bei uns eintrifft, werden wir Ihre Bestellung verschicken und Sie per Email davon benachrichtigen.

Nach der Verschickung und unserer Bestätigung an Sie per Email, kann es 7 – 10 Werktage bis zur Anlieferung dauern.

a few minutes ago, I got this here:
Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf bei CD WOW! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Ihr Artikel verschickt wurde. Hier die Details:

Auftragsnr.: xxxxxxx
Artikelnr.: xxxxxxx

Verschickt an:

Wenn Sie Fragen bezüglich dieser Bestellung haben, senden Sie bitte eine Email an:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
CD WOW! Kundendienst

Posted by Het2006 on 13.01.2010 at15:03:


i got the same two mails großes Grinsen

Posted by Marmetal on 13.01.2010 at19:02:


What it says? smile Because my German is rather terrible großes Grinsen .

Posted by Metallifreak on 13.01.2010 at19:41:


Sure Martin, will try to translate großes Grinsen

On the first email, I received this morning, they told me once again that they are sorry, but they don't have the items in stock now. They will try to get them asap and then will ship them out promptly.

On the second email, which I received half an hour later, they told me that they have shipped out the itmes now.

So really strange way, or??

Posted by Het2006 on 14.01.2010 at07:55:


it is, maybe the one hand doesn't know what the other does, or they're really fast with shipping großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Posted by Metallifreak on 14.01.2010 at08:32:


Original von Het2006
it is, maybe the one hand doesn't know what the other does, or they're really fast with shipping großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Same with Universal. Had to confirm around 15times that I haven't received my collectors tin and the blue ray dvd so far. Also with my post address and about checking my local post office. Stupid guyz.

Posted by Het2006 on 14.01.2010 at09:01:


thats true, they should take a look at amazon or other online stores....

Posted by Metallifreak on 14.01.2010 at13:28:


Well guys, today I received my standart DVD edition. 7 days after they have sent me an email, that the item is shipped out verwirrt

Posted by Het2006 on 14.01.2010 at13:45:


The Nimes DVD, or the Mexico?
But i had the same with eventim, i ordererd the Machine Head ticketes on 13.12.2009 and yesterday i got a mail that they have a wrong adress.... traurig

Posted by Metallifreak on 14.01.2010 at18:27:


Mexico großes Grinsen still no Nimes traurig

What a fuck, Eventim really sucks.

Posted by Marmetal on 14.01.2010 at18:53:


Thanks Jörg for translating Augenzwinkern . Yeah, it's pretty strange indeed.

Posted by Livestrong on 15.01.2010 at13:39:


Original von Metallifreak
Mexico großes Grinsen still no Nimes traurig

What a fuck, Eventim really sucks.

Still haven't received mine traurig

Posted by Ipren on 16.01.2010 at06:52:


Only BR version still coming.. other 2 version is here..,.,Where you ordered those ?

Posted by Livestrong on 16.01.2010 at11:34:


CD WOW - pretty reasonable prices there

Posted by Het2006 on 16.01.2010 at18:22:


Original von Livestrong
CD WOW - pretty reasonable prices there

thats true, but it also take a while till you get it Freude

Posted by Metallifreak on 20.01.2010 at11:26:


Today, I got my 2DVD/2CD version. Looks nice großes Grinsen

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