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--- Sprachen Ze Danish, French, Spanish? Le So What! 16.3 Hits Rapido! [ 10/30/2009 ] (

Posted by metalandi on 31.10.2009 at13:26:

  Sprachen Ze Danish, French, Spanish? Le So What! 16.3 Hits Rapido! [ 10/30/2009 ]

Yes folks, SW! 16.3 has a real international flavor about it as we globe trot with the boys to Mexico City, Mexico, to Nimes, France, to Knebworth, England and last (but by no means -that is, by not half a magazine!- least) Copenhagen, Denmark. We spend time with that wonderful human enigma we know and love as Lars in his motherland, Rob walks us through his lineage in Mexico City and rock writing ledge Pete Makowski goes in deep to get the skinny on the Nimes project. Plus readers of those various native tongues will be further cheered by a couple of small things we've done to acknowledge love and respect to those audiences.

The majority of photos in the issue come via the lens of Ross Halfin, who spent most of the summer documenting the band on their travels, and if I also tell you that it's a "double-front cover" (i.e. - no back cover to be found) then you'll see why I'm excited and a little bit proud of this one...still, you'll be the judges as ever, as it should be! Enjoy.

SW! Editor

So What! Issue 16.3 starts shipping next week!!!!

Posted by Livestrong on 31.10.2009 at13:47:

  RE: Sprachen Ze Danish, French, Spanish? Le So What! 16.3 Hits Rapido! [ 10/30/2009 ]

Looks very nice, looking forward to it cool

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