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Posted by Livestrong on 22.10.2009 at10:30:

  Signed Litho Reservation Contest

Allow us to introduce you to the World Magnetic autographed lithos photographed by our very own Jeff Yeager! Limited in production to 250 sets, each one is hand signed by the band members themselves and are sure to be collector's items. Each individual litho measures 18 x 12 inches and is sold as a set of four only (one each band member) for $124.99 per set. This is a Club exclusive and because there is a very limited quantity, we want to give each Clubber a chance to purchase them through a reservation contest. One entry per member, and the lithos are limited to one set available for purchase per member. Reservation contest ends October 30th at midnight Pacific Time. Good luck!

The Reservation Contest is now up and will end October 30, 2009 at midnight Pacific Time. Once the contest is over, 250 members will be selected at random by the computer (much like the Meet and Greet contest). On Monday, November 2, we will e-mail those who have successfully RESERVED a litho set with further instructions on how to complete your purchase.

Posted by Livestrong on 22.10.2009 at10:32:

  RE: Signed Litho Reservation Contest

Good luck guys, I jumped in the contest today Zunge raus

Posted by metalandi on 22.10.2009 at10:46:


125 dollars is ridiculously much for this Augen rollen

Posted by Livestrong on 22.10.2009 at11:00:


Yeah I know, but I was so motivated this morning that I just pressed the button Zunge raus
But you're right Andi, this IS actually a rip-off böse

Posted by Metallifreak on 22.10.2009 at16:34:


For me it's defnetly bullshit and just a way to ripp off some money.

Posted by Marmetal on 22.10.2009 at21:08:


^ I agree with you...

Originally posted by metalandi
125 dollars is ridiculously much for this Augen rollen

...and with you Augen rollen .

Posted by Livestrong on 03.11.2009 at18:36:


Congratulations! You have been chosen in our Autographed Lithograph reservation contest! The Metallica signed lithographs are limited in production to 250 sets, and are hand signed by each of the band members. These are sure to be a collector's item!

To complete your purchase, please fax or email a photocopy of the front and back of the credit card and a copy of this attached form to us. You can fax us at (415)458-1752 or email us at <mailtorotes Gesicht>. Please make sure copies are CLEAR AND READABLE and that you have added the appropriate shipping and handling fees and applicable sales tax.

Once we have received your completed form and copies of your credit card, we will process your order and ship them out immediately. If we do not receive your completed form and copies with in ten days, we will no longer be able to hold your reservation, and you will not be able to buy this item in the future.

Thank you for your order, and congratulations!


The Metallica Club
369 B Third Street
PMB #194
San Rafael, CA 94901 USA
Fax: (415) 458-1752

geschockt großes Grinsen

Posted by Metallifreak on 03.11.2009 at19:21:


Congratulation Bernd. So you have to buy it großes Grinsen

Posted by metalandi on 03.11.2009 at19:22:


I'd rather get such a mail again finally when a M&G contest is running, cause that doesn't cost a shitload of money then and i actually get something useful for it großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 03.11.2009 at19:31:


Original von Metallifreak
Congratulation Bernd. So you have to buy it großes Grinsen

Well I already did Freude

Posted by Livestrong on 03.11.2009 at19:32:


Original von metalandi
I'd rather get such a mail again finally when a M&G contest is running, cause that doesn't cost a shitload of money then and i actually get something useful for it großes Grinsen

This is actually useful for me my friend, because if I don't want to keep it, I have a very nice item for trading Zunge raus

Posted by metalandi on 03.11.2009 at19:34:


Well that's good then großes Grinsen

Posted by Metallifreak on 03.11.2009 at19:55:


Or you have just an little, nice christmals present for your Chapterhead großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 03.11.2009 at20:01:


Original von Metallifreak
Or you have just an little, nice christmals present for your Chapterhead großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

good one finger

Posted by Marmetal on 03.11.2009 at22:02:


Congrats Bernd großes Grinsen .

Posted by jamiz on 04.11.2009 at06:56:


Congrats Bernd beer

Posted by Livestrong on 07.11.2009 at07:48:


Thanks guys großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 10.11.2009 at13:25:


So my lithographs arrived today and after paying the fuckin' customs charges to the postman Augen rollen , I unpacked the babies: Fucking love them großes Grinsen .
They're looking really good, overpriced but very nice großes Grinsen

Even I already got some nice offers for them, I'm gonna enframe 'em all and hang them up. The autographs are done with a silver marker, signed by each band member on his corresponding picture. First I thought, that all four pictures are signed by all four guys Zunge raus

Posted by metalandi on 10.11.2009 at13:30:


Cool bernd, could you take a picture of that stuff?? I would like to see how it looks in reality, cause i can't stop thinking of that they just are normal photos Zunge raus

Posted by Livestrong on 10.11.2009 at13:42:


Well, I would suggest that you gonna check 'em out at our chapter punch drinking thingy. That's better than a photo anyway großes Grinsen

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