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Posted by MayrFlorian on 19.09.2009 at11:45:
Metallica,Slayer,Megadeth and Anthrax on tour?‘the-big...t-could-happen/
Kerry King tells us that he has heard Lars Ulrich is plotting the metal tour to end all metal tours!
Could the tour of a lifetime be about to happen? Kerry King seems to think so!
In what could be one of the most exciting pieces of news of the year, Kerry King yesterday revealed to Metal Hammer that he has heard through the grapevine that Lars Ulrich is plotting a tour that would include Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax.
Should this tour materialise, this would be the first time that the big four have toured together as part of the same bill. Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax were joined by opening act Alice In Chains for the US Clash Of The Titans tour in 1991, while Metallica and Megadeth last shared a UK stage at Milton Keynes Bowl in 1993.
We asked Kerry if there had been a temptation to bring the co-headline tour that Slayer are about to embark on with Megadeth in Australia and Canada to our shores.
“I think it would be cool but I knew we had this planned before all of this Megadeth stuff started happening,” said King. “They’re going to Australia with us, they’re going to Canada again with us. I think it would be cool for the European fans to bring that over here because shit, we didn’t even consider playing with those guys since 1990.”
So could it be possible that we could get a tour that includes the big four?
“I’ve heard people referencing Lars,” says King. “I don’t know Lars that well and I haven’t heard it from Lars but apparently he’s talking to somebody about it. Maybe us, Metallica, Megadeth (and), I think he even threw in Anthrax and I said in this day and age, I know we had that time together but how do you leave out Machine Head? There’s better options than Anthrax and that’s nothing against Anthrax, but they’ve just been in pieces for quite some time and that doesn’t make as much sense to me.”
Slayer will release their new album, ‘World Painted Blood’, on November 3rd. Metal Hammer hosted a special playback for over 200 fans at London’s Centro yesterday evening. Stay tuned to Metal Hammer for reports and pics from the event!
So far it's just a rumor...
Posted by Livestrong on 19.09.2009 at13:14:
RE: Metallica,Slayer,Megadeth and Anthrax on tour?
Well, if this really happens, awesome shit man. But King is right, replace Anthrax and get Machine Head on this bill
I really like Anthrax, but Machine know
Posted by metalandi on 19.09.2009 at13:42:
I would piss and shit myself, and then imemdiately faint, if that comes true
And actually i would love to see anthrax aswell, cause i never saw them live before, but MH already several times
Posted by Livestrong on 19.09.2009 at13:50:
So you better buy yourself some diapers dude, because this dream might come true
Posted by Marmetal on 19.09.2009 at21:46:
Without Anthrax it wouldn't be a Big Four tour anymore. And Anthrax rules, they're much better than Slayer or Megadeth

Posted by MayrFlorian on 21.09.2009 at17:56:
RE: Metallica,Slayer,Megadeth and Anthrax on tour?
Sorry if the link doesn`t work! So here`s the story:
Chris Varias of Metromix conducted an interview earlier this week with Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo. The question-and-answer session follows below.
Metromix: There's a rumor going around now about the four classic thrash bands (Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax) touring together. How would you feel about being part of that?
Robert Trujillo: I think it's great. We've had a few different conversations on the subject. I'm friends with (Slayer's) Kerry King and had dinner with him a few months back, and it came up there. I think (Megadeth's) Dave Mustaine is amazing. I've never had a problem with him personally. I think it'd be great if Metallica shared the stage with his band. Metallica's still great friends with (Anthrax's) Scott Ian. There's a lot of history there. I think it'd be great for metal. I don't think all four bands have played together at the same time.
So there's truth to the rumor?
There is, but nothing's concrete. It's not a sealed deal. We're working on it.
How would egos come into play in terms of the order of bands on the bill?
Oh, there'd be a lot of egos. I think we'd be OK. It'd be an issue with the other three bands.
How so? Would Dave Mustaine have an issue opening for Metallica?
I don't think that would be an issue. I think it would be more an issue between Megadeth and Slayer.
What's the story there?
I don't know if it would depend on the city, but I'm sure between those two bands, they would want to be up on the bill. I don't know. Who knows? My prediction is that maybe there would be something there. The only way we would do it is if we're headlining, and we would probably be the ones to put it together. I'm not saying that in a disrespectful way. All of these bands are amazing and super-cool.
Posted by metalandi on 21.09.2009 at19:22:
The link doesn't work
Posted by Metallifreak on 21.09.2009 at19:57:
Link is working, only this part of the site is down
Posted by metalandi on 21.09.2009 at21:55:
The problem with the link are the 3 "..." seems something went wrong with copying it. It's the shortened version of the link you see in message boards, but when i copy and paste where the link goes, it looks the same. Anyway, doesn't matter
Posted by Livestrong on 22.09.2009 at19:50:
So finally the link is working
Posted by metalandi on 22.09.2009 at20:00:
I really hope this comes true, but if it really happens i'm afraid they maybe only would tour the States
Posted by Livestrong on 22.09.2009 at20:04:
So? This is no excuse. Save all your money starting from NOW Andi. We HAVE to see this under any circumstances
Posted by metalandi on 22.09.2009 at20:05:
I NEED some money first to be able to save some
Posted by Livestrong on 22.09.2009 at20:29:
Never mind dude
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