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Posted by norbinho19 on 09.09.2009 at15:33:

  Help Choose What Songs Are on Fan Can Six

As we told you in an earlier news story, your fellow Clubbers filmed all five nights in Copenhagen and now we need your help to pick the show that will be a part of Fan Can Six. Below are the set lists from each night and it's simple (or maybe not!) - just pick the one you like the best and the show that gets the most votes will be on DVD number one.

"DVD number one??" you say! That's right... Fan Can Six will take a new twist and instead of including one DVD and one CD, we're going to give you TWO DVD's. That means that we'll be tapping you again to help us with the song selection for DVD number two once all the votes have been tabulated and a show selected for number one. You'll have chance to vote again for the remaining songs not voted in the first time, and DVD number two will also include some behind the scenes footage and a few other cool extras. So keep watching here for round two of voting sometime in the next month or so.

Now that you know the plan, peruse the set lists below and once you've made your selection, click the link at the bottom of this page to vote. Only one vote per member, so choose wisely!!

Thanks in advance for your input. The polls close on Wednesday, September 30 at 5:00 PM PST.

i voted for show 4!! großes Grinsen

hope they will pick show 4 or 5 as i was filming on these 2 nights großes Grinsen hehehe

...and i think the idea for dvd is very can be sure the bonus material will be awesome too Augenzwinkern

Posted by metalandi on 09.09.2009 at16:31:


I hope they pick the 4th show, cause of S&R and Dyers Eve großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 09.09.2009 at17:09:


Original von metalandi
I hope they pick the 4th show, cause of S&R and Dyers Eve großes Grinsen

was thinking the same and voted for number 4 too!! großes Grinsen

Posted by Metallifreak on 09.09.2009 at18:49:


I have voted too for show #4 since a crazy fucker from our chapter has filmed it großes Grinsen

Posted by Het2006 on 09.09.2009 at19:57:


I've votet for night #4 aswell, its a little bit more special Augenzwinkern

Posted by Marmetal on 09.09.2009 at20:36:


I voted for night #5 Zunge raus cool .

Posted by metalandi on 09.09.2009 at21:28:


You rebel geschockt

Posted by Livestrong on 11.09.2009 at15:51:


I've voted for #5 too finger

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