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Posted by Metallifreak on 02.09.2009 at21:06:

  Chapter Meeting 2009

Hey dude, I'm thinking about doing an Chapter Meeting in Graz again. What do you think about late September, early October???

Posted by Livestrong on 02.09.2009 at21:09:

  RE: Chapter Meeting 2009

Yeah I'm in. But why in Graz again?

Posted by Metallifreak on 02.09.2009 at21:10:


Because I don't know any other locations. Vienna might be too big, and not easy to find. But maybe you can organize some cheap rooms, so we can do it there of course.

Posted by metalandi on 02.09.2009 at21:13:


Jörg and i talked already, and i know for some members it is bad when it's in graz cause it's far away for you, but in the end like jörg said we don't really know any real good locations in other cities (and there's also the problem of where to sleep). But if you can find something good bernd, it would be cool! I'm in too, no matter where it is in the end, at least as long as it isn't Hohenems großes Grinsen

Posted by Metallifreak on 02.09.2009 at21:16:


Hehehe, thanx for your reply Andi. You are right too. There is only one thing I'm really freakin' again. Won't never ever see you again driving behind an snowplow on the highway, without saying and word that you are already gone

großes Grinsen hit bubs beer finger großes Grinsen hit bubs beer finger großes Grinsen hit bubs beer finger

Posted by Livestrong on 02.09.2009 at21:16:


I understand, but I won't get so many rooms unfortunately unglücklich

Posted by Metallifreak on 02.09.2009 at21:18:


Original von Livestrong
I understand, but I won't get so many rooms unfortunately unglücklich

We don't need many. Let's say, 3-4 people an share a room. Think we don't need any special service or so. Just a clean room, where we can sleep after party all night long.


Posted by Livestrong on 02.09.2009 at21:20:


Original von metalandi
Jörg and i talked already, and i know for some members it is bad when it's in graz cause it's far away for you, but in the end like jörg said we don't really know any real good locations in other cities (and there's also the problem of where to sleep). But if you can find something good bernd, it would be cool! I'm in too, no matter where it is in the end, at least as long as it isn't Hohenems großes Grinsen

We should do a big party this time with some activities, like a "Metallica Guitar Hero" contest or something.
...and for our unmarried and horny members we need some hot chicks, if you know what I mean beer

Posted by Livestrong on 02.09.2009 at21:22:


Original von Metallifreak
Original von Livestrong
I understand, but I won't get so many rooms unfortunately unglücklich

We don't need many. Let's say, 3-4 people an share a room. Think we don't need any special service or so. Just a clean room, where we can sleep after party all night long.


Yeah, I'm back to work next week, I'll see what I can do guys cool
Speaking of our friends from Tyrol: We need to drink some lovely Starkenberger Zunge raus großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 02.09.2009 at21:33:


i can't promise anything.

graz is even more far away than vienna for us!!

Posted by metalandi on 02.09.2009 at22:29:


bernd, i just looked at google maps and had an idea..from what it looks like, you have to drive over the "german corner", then the A1, and then change to the A9, right?? what if you'd just drive to the A1/A9 highway junction, and i'd pick you up there then? So you would just have to drive yourself about 3 hours, and i could drive the rest 2 hours to Graz. what do you think about it? Anyway i could for sure pick you up somewhere, cause at least some part of your way would also be part of my way!

Posted by Metallifreak on 03.09.2009 at06:46:


Perfect idea Andi großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 03.09.2009 at09:10:


i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

Posted by Het2006 on 03.09.2009 at10:49:


Original von norbinho19
i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

i'm not sure at moment, because i have to fly to portogal for 2 or 3 times, and thats always in the weekend....

Posted by norbinho19 on 03.09.2009 at10:57:


Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

i'm not sure at moment, because i have to fly to portogal for 2 or 3 times, and thats always in the weekend....

no problem, christoph, we will see then Augenzwinkern

i want to go to portugal too großes Grinsen

Posted by Het2006 on 03.09.2009 at13:42:


Original von norbinho19
Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

i'm not sure at moment, because i have to fly to portogal for 2 or 3 times, and thats always in the weekend....

no problem, christoph, we will see then Augenzwinkern

i want to go to portugal too großes Grinsen

Yeah? its just for working, but its a nice work...... großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 03.09.2009 at14:01:


Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

i'm not sure at moment, because i have to fly to portogal for 2 or 3 times, and thats always in the weekend....

no problem, christoph, we will see then Augenzwinkern

i want to go to portugal too großes Grinsen

Yeah? its just for working, but its a nice work...... großes Grinsen

that's what i thought...hehehe großes Grinsen

Posted by Het2006 on 03.09.2009 at15:56:


Original von norbinho19
Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
Original von Het2006
Original von norbinho19
i will only come if christoph goes there too!!

i'm not sure at moment, because i have to fly to portogal for 2 or 3 times, and thats always in the weekend....

no problem, christoph, we will see then Augenzwinkern

i want to go to portugal too großes Grinsen

Yeah? its just for working, but its a nice work...... großes Grinsen

that's what i thought...hehehe großes Grinsen

its a villa on golf court with 2 nice pools and so on hehehe
i'll take a few pictures for you großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 04.09.2009 at09:52:


.....and loads of chicks there I guess beer bubs

Posted by metalandi on 04.09.2009 at11:34:


Like the playboy mansion großes Grinsen

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