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Posted by MayrFlorian on 08.03.2009 at21:42:

  James Hetfield in Hospital!!!!!

Stockholm Second Show Cancelled

Tonight's second show in Stockholm has been cancelled due to James falling ill and receiving medical attention at the hospital. The show WILL be rescheduled sometime this spring, so keep watching this space for more details. We apologize to all our fans who have travelled from near and far and we look forward to coming back soon.

Taken from

I hope that whatever he has isn't super serious. Get better soon James.

Posted by metalandi on 08.03.2009 at21:44:


Already posted that in the tour section Augenzwinkern

Posted by Metallifreak on 09.03.2009 at08:34:


Thanx for the info Florian großes Grinsen

Posted by metalandi on 09.03.2009 at15:28:


Sorry...but do you think this is good in any way, or why did you use that smilie? verwirrt

Posted by metalandi on 10.03.2009 at06:34:


alright, now this is over i thought i gotta share something really funny with you..i got this from the ppm, Dude #1 said the first, and then read what dude #2 replied..i thought i'd piss myself of laughing when did imagine how this would look like großes Grinsen

Quote: "James ordered samosas, chicken tikka masala, and lamb in tomato and yoghurt sauce," a restaurant worker who took the call told Expressen.

Dude 1#:
No wonder he's got a huge gut and man boobs

Dude 2 replying:
Dude... seriously.. WTF. The man has been ILL and stuff, and you're going on about his physical appearance? Besides not seeing it myself - Hetfield certainly seems to be in good form and he's all, you know, Hetfieldy and such, all commanding and whatnot and with the Hetfieldyness, that's just.. whoa... so unclassy to say.

And you know what? If he DID have manboobs, he's fucking James Tiberius Hetfield, ok, which means that most men on this planet would all suddenly start gettng breast implants and waving their manbobs around like little balls of manboobiness, going "Yeh.. fucking cool, huh? Hetfield's got manboobs. Now I do also. Go on... squeeze my manboobs of POWER."

You know that would happen. We all do.

So I think Hetfield can take no insult from you, knowing the sheer power of his Hetfieldness.

Nyah to you sir, and good day.

Posted by Marmetal on 10.03.2009 at20:35:


^ Haha, so true großes Grinsen .

Posted by metalandi on 11.03.2009 at07:34:


Message From James

Hey there,

James here, alive, at about 80% but getting better. I want to say sorry for missing the second Stockholm gig on Sunday due to illness. The cause/diagnosis at the hospital was narrowed down to either a 24hr virus or a bad oyster...yes, hate to admit, an oyster could have taken me down.

I acknowledge and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused fans who had travelled near and far for the show. I had done everything possible to make it, and was at the point of falling if I stood up. On a lighter note since my illness, the support band 'Swedish Oyster Cult' will be thrown off the tour. More Cowbell?...More barf bagz!!

Thanx for your understanding and support. It's not without notice from the whole 'Tallica Touring Family.

With Love and Respect,
James 'papa het'

Posted by Livestrong on 11.03.2009 at21:25:


Good news, that he's all right großes Grinsen

Posted by Marmetal on 11.03.2009 at21:31:


Good to hear from him smile . God bless you James cool .

Posted by martin6762000 on 12.03.2009 at15:57:


good news großes Grinsen

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