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--- Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ] (

Posted by metalandi on 23.05.2008 at01:26:

  Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ]

Enough already . . . we've seen everything in this little preview of yours . . . let's get on with it! Okay, okay . . . on May 27, 2008 Mission: Metallica becomes our way to bring you in and share with you not only the writing and recording process that's been taking place in the last 18 months, but also what's ahead between now and when the record is in your hands. And instead of waiting and releasing some "making of the record" additional DVD in a bullshit deluxe package when the album comes out, we figured why not let you be part of it up front?

Here's the deal . . . Mission: Metallica is your chance to be on the inside of the new album with fly on the wall video footage, riffs and excepts of the music, studio photos, cool contests, and some trips back in time to Lars' vault with live downloads and rare photos. You're going to be part of the experience over the next four months or so as we put the finishing touches on the album, including mixing, mastering, artwork, photo sessions, etc.

When you're cruising around the site, you'll notice that there is a platinum version . . . more photos, more video clips, more contests, a download of the new single when it's ready, downloads of photos, videos, and live shows, and a copy of the new album in the format of your choice with it arriving to you the same day it hits the record stores. And since we know we might have been a smidgen light with album updates over the last year, we want you guys to know how much we appreciate your patience so we insisted to the record company that Metclubbers of course would have their Met-fix for free! Here's how it works . . . we want you to hear and see all the videos, photos, riffs . . . the whole thing, so we're going to e-mail you a coupon code that will give you the full platinum experience for free . . . everything except the actual album (the label really wasn't down for that one if you know what we mean!) You'll get the code via your Club-registered e-mail address (make sure it's up to date AND check your spam folders) some time on Saturday so you are ready to rock when the full site launches on Tuesday.

You're still going to get all your Met news here . . . along with Clubber only contests (wait 'till you see what we have for you at Bonnaroo!), meet and greets, and all the other cool shit that we throw at you . . . who knows we might even sneak you a few studio photos as we finish up!

Now the fine print . . . because of all the different rules, laws, currencies, record company crap, and generally, the ins and outs of all the far corners of the world, the ability to purchase the album on Mission: Metallica isn't going to be available in every country . . . but that's okay because as a Met Club member, you will get to see all the videos, hear all the riffs, check out the contests and photos, and we'll have the album in the store here when it comes out. We're going to keep you posted and we're going to make sure that we do whatever we can, so that no matter where you live, you'll have a kick ass time checking it out.

We're excited to take this ride with you . . . and have all kinds of cool stuff planned for the summer. To be honest with you, just like the album, the site is still a work in progress so along with all the new music, we're also going to keep adding things for you to see, do, and listen to. There is an element of making this up as we go along, so let's have fun with that. Let us know what you think about the ride and if there's anything we're missing.

Posted by cradle on 23.05.2008 at01:29:


tx andy!!! metclub großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 23.05.2008 at08:55:

  RE: Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ]

Thanks Andi, I've just watched the 1st Fly on The Wall Thingy großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 23.05.2008 at10:02:

  RE: Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ]

Original von Livestrong
Thanks Andi, I've just watched the 1st Fly on The Wall Thingy großes Grinsen

yeah, nice video with some new cool riffs!! großes Grinsen

does somebody know how i can download those videos from mission: metallica?? there must be a way to be able to do this.

Posted by Livestrong on 23.05.2008 at12:48:

  RE: Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ]

Probably the boys from JITF will know?

Posted by Marmetal on 23.05.2008 at17:18:


Can't wait for full Mission: Metallica thing Augenzwinkern . Free for MetClub members, awesome! cool

Posted by norbinho19 on 23.05.2008 at20:31:

  RE: Mission: Metallica . . . Let The Ride Begin [ 5/22/2008 ]

Original von Livestrong
Probably the boys from JITF will know?

thanks..i got help from nuno!! großes Grinsen

Posted by cradle on 25.05.2008 at15:07:


i have get a code from the metclub, you too?

Posted by Metallifreak on 25.05.2008 at15:46:


Original von cradle
i have get a code from the metclub, you too?

Sure. Each active member got an email with the code from MetClub großes Grinsen

Posted by norbinho19 on 25.05.2008 at20:08:


i'm already curious for the real start of mission metallica!!!! großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 28.05.2008 at07:45:


At the moment the site is down, so they're working on it right now Augen rollen

Posted by Livestrong on 28.05.2008 at07:51:


It's working now großes Grinsen , so check it out guys. I'm registering there at the moment.

Posted by norbinho19 on 28.05.2008 at12:55:


yeah, it works now..looks really cool...i'm too curious what will be added when the tour in europe has started großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 28.05.2008 at15:43:


These are the options for the purchase of the new album, which are only working for the US, Canada and UK at the moment traurig

Posted by norbinho19 on 28.05.2008 at22:33:


Original von Livestrong
These are the options for the purchase of the new album, which are only working for the US, Canada and UK at the moment traurig

i hope this works soon for us here too traurig

Posted by Marmetal on 30.05.2008 at13:52:


The site looks very cool and it's frequently updated!

Posted by Livestrong on 01.06.2008 at12:30:


Original von norbinho19
Original von Livestrong
These are the options for the purchase of the new album, which are only working for the US, Canada and UK at the moment traurig

i hope this works soon for us here too traurig

Yeah, I hope so, too. I'm trying it every day Zunge raus

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