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Posted by metalandi on 08.04.2008 at16:37:

  World Magnetic Tour Support Bands

THE SWORD To Support METALLICA In Europe - Apr. 8, 2008

According to a posting on THE SWORD's MySpace page, the Austin, TX-based quartet will open for METALLICA on the following European shows:

Jul. 16 - Bergen, Norway - Koengen
Jul. 18 - St. Petersburg, Russia - SKK Hall
Jul. 20 - Riga, Latvia - Skonto Stadium
Jul. 22 - Bologna, Italy - Parco Nord
Jul. 23 - Bucharest, Romania - Cotroceni
Jul. 25 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Vassil Levski Stadium
Jul. 27 - Istanbul, Turkey - Inonu Stadium

Posted by Metallifreak on 08.04.2008 at17:29:


Hmm, don't really know them verwirrt

Btw, have you already noticed?? Istanbul Turkey!!!!! großes Grinsen Glad to see them finally there. I can't believe it for my Turkish brother Derya from Orion Turk

Posted by metalandi on 08.04.2008 at17:47:


Yeah i recognized it! Pretty cool that they're doing some countries they haven't been to for years or even ever, again this tour.

Haven't heard of that band before either, it seems it's a rather small US-Band that metallica wanted personally to be their support.

Posted by Marmetal on 08.04.2008 at19:30:


It's doom metal band, don't know 'em too smile .

Posted by metalandi on 09.04.2008 at08:44:


Openers for Second Round Announced [ 4/8/2008 ]

Since the second part of our little European summer vacation does not include any festival shows, guess what... we get to pick who we, and you, get to spend the day with. So we're psyched to share with you that our old friends in Down and our new friends in The Sword, one of our favorite bands of the last few years, have agreed to come along for the ride. Look for 'Tallica, Down, and The Sword starting on July 16 in Bergen, Norway through July 25 in Sofia, Bulgaria (except in Bucharest, where it will be just 'Tallica and The Sword).

And as usual, another update coming in the next 48 hours relevant to all this...

Posted by Livestrong on 09.04.2008 at09:12:


Allright Down, pretty good großes Grinsen

Posted by jamiz on 09.04.2008 at18:59:


Yes. I will see Down the next 24th of Aprill. And this summer with Metallica.
I'm very lucky. großes Grinsen

Posted by Marmetal on 09.04.2008 at19:18:


Cool thing I must say Augenzwinkern .

Posted by metalandi on 09.04.2008 at19:23:


I'm so fucking excited, i'll see down AND Machine Head as support for metallica on this tour! for sure the best support bands for them since many years großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 10.04.2008 at09:07:


Machine Fuckin' Head, I'm loving them. I'm happy for you Andi großes Grinsen

Posted by metalandi on 12.10.2008 at23:48:


All October/November dates with Down and The Sword
All December dates with Lamb of God and The Sword (Except L.A. Shows)
All January dates with Machine Head and The Sword

Posted by norbinho19 on 13.10.2008 at19:40:


i would prefer machine head for europe!! großes Grinsen

Posted by Livestrong on 13.10.2008 at20:43:


Yeah, me too großes Grinsen

Posted by metalandi on 16.10.2008 at02:26:


First opening acts for the european shows have been announced. It's Machne Head & The Sword for the Stockholm Shows and Lamb Of God & Mastodon for the rest, so far.

Posted by Livestrong on 17.10.2008 at08:57:


Sorry Andi, that's not 100% correct: It's Machine Fuckin' Head großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

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