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--- VOIVOD Guitarist Dead || 27.8.2005 (

Posted by metalandi on 27.08.2005 at18:46:

  VOIVOD Guitarist Dead || 27.8.2005

Nur wenige Stunden nachdem bekannt geworden ist, dass VOIVOD-Gitarrist Denis "Piggy" D'Amour an einer schweren Krankheit leidet, ist der 45-jährige Kanadier in der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag in ein tiefes Koma gefallen und nicht mal einen Tag später an den Folgen seines Krebsleidens gestorben.

Die Metal-Szene verliert damit dieser Tage nach dem ehemaligen VADER-Drummer 'Doc' eine weitere Persönlichkeit.

Von Seiten der Redaktion bekunden wir den Angehörigen in diesen schweren Stunden unser herzlichstes Beileid.

P.S:: could anybody please translate this? i only found it in german and my english is too bad to translate thewhole thing traurig

Posted by Mickey87 on 27.08.2005 at23:40:


VOIVOD-Guitarplayer Denis "Piggy" D'Amour has died because of cancer. The Canadian was only 45 years old. It was made public that he has been suffering from this bad disease. Only a few hours after this was announced he fell into a deep coma. Less than a day later he died because of the consequences of his cancer.

In recent days, the metal-community has lost another great person after the Ex-VADER Drummer 'Doc'


Posted by necromancor on 29.08.2005 at12:07:


yeah, I also read that in the internet. terrible, although I don't know much of voivod.

Posted by Elloy on 31.08.2005 at18:26:


so many metal-people dying recently :/

Posted by metallicaman on 01.09.2005 at13:26:


jeah what will happen when bands like maiden metallica megadeth jkudas priest stop making music ?
then there is not a lot of metal in aur world left !

Posted by necromancor on 03.09.2005 at23:02:


Originally posted by metallicaman
jeah what will happen when bands like maiden metallica megadeth jkudas priest stop making music ?
then there is not a lot of metal in aur world left !

I don't agree on that one man... there are a lot of great new bands out there. u really need to kinda open your eyes for new bands!!

and by the way: the rolling stones are still making music and they're "a bit" older than metallica Augenzwinkern

Posted by metallicaman on 04.09.2005 at18:43:


thats true but i meant that what will happen if all the great metalbands will stop making music !? sure there are other good bands but as good as maiden as good as metalica as good as priest ? Augenzwinkern

Posted by Mitschga on 14.09.2005 at01:53:


You will be missed Piggy!


Posted by Metallifreak on 17.09.2005 at09:53:


R.I.P. Piggy

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